There’s no better time than today.

You might be excited, you might be nervous…we get it, but you are in good hands. We make it fun and productive. Let’s do this!


Professional interviews, just like your favorite podcast, but you are subject and the star.

One interview

$500 – 30 min kickoff + 90 min interview

We start with a kickoff session where we get to know you, define your goals for the interview, collect any relevant information, and test your equipment.

The interviewer will then do some homework —- topical research, drafting questions and prompts to plan out your interview.

  • A great conversation that captures your story.

    Lightly edited audio files

    Lightly edited video files

    Separate tracks so you can use the recordings in the way you want.

On a journey

$2500 – 30 min kickoff + 60 min interview once a month for six months.

Great for capturing a story while it’s happening or as a way to capture a longer story.

Between sessions, the interviewer will prepare for the next session, building upon the relationship and helping you uncover and capture the heart of the story and all the interesting details.

  • Ongoing understanding of your story.

    Great conversations that capture the facts and nuance of your journey.

    Lightly edited audio files

    Lightly edited video files

    Separate tracks so you can use the recordings in the way you want.

Gift session

60 min interview (no kickoff)

Do you know someone with an incredible story? A StoryCraft interview is a great gift!

For a…
Significant birthday
Job seeker
Job transition
Retirement gift
Love story
Birth story
Off to college
Graduation gift

If you would like to gift “On a journey” please contact us.

  • Custom invitation from you.

    A great conversation that captures their story.

    Lightly edited audio files

    Lightly edited video files

    Separate tracks so you can use the recordings in the way you want.